ekpubs.com Knowledge Curation Graph





By interacting with the eBok Knowledge Graph on this page, you can visually explore the topics, content, and other entities comprising the body of knowledge, and view the unique and structured relationships across the various types of knowledge entities.

The graph view allows you to traverse multiple nodes and “connect the dots” in order to discover relationships among the various entities (for example, a person may have authored papers in two seemingly different disciplines, or a certain use case has been applied in two very different cultures or geographic areas).

Each node and its assortment of relationships to other nodes helps you as a knowledge seeker to gain a deeper understanding of the various concepts contained in the eBoK. Some nodes have links to additional content (books, articles, web pages, etc.) that may be viewed, downloaded or printed (some pages are free, others are for subscribers only). By clicking on a node, the Node Inspection panel (bottom of graph) will open and present the details of that node, including a link back to the main article which further describes the concept or topic that node represents.


Once you select a node, you may re-center the entire graph starting at that node by clicking the "re-center graph" button.

By using the “sliders,” you may control the depth of the graph (how many relationship "jumps" from the centered node) as well as the number of nodes shown. By default, the graph is limited to 3 levels of depth and 75 nodes.


You can also click on the graph background to slide the graph to the right and the left as well as use "pinch" and "zoom" gestures to scale the graph up and down. HINT: If the graph disappears beyond the viewable area, try to scale it smaller until it appears, then zoom in on it in stages.

Navigating a knowledge graph is similar to navigating a map on your GPS display.

Click on any node, then review the details of that resource below.


TOGGLE INFO ABOUT THIS NODE:toggle the eBok data about this specific node.



Node ID:

{No Resource Selected}

Node Label:

{No Resource Selected}

Knowledge Source Link(s):

{No Resource Selected}

Node Type:

{No Resource Selected}


{No Resource Description}


To reset the graph on a specific node, click (do not click and drag) to first select the node, then click the "Make Primary" button to automatically update the graph. If you click and drag a node, it only moves it into a new position for readability.

DEPTH: Use the slider to reset the depth from the currnet start node (click on the node first to select a node). The depth is the number of "hops" (connections) away from that node in all relationship directions.

Relationship Depth: